Constructing A Narrative Essay Outline In 4 Simple Steps

A narrative essay can cover a specific childhood memory, a story from the past or a difficult experience. Often, teachers will assign this type of writing with a specific personal narrative in mind. To be successful at this assignment, students must craft an outline, find the right topic and read through examples.

  • Finding a Topic
  • The first goal during any outline should be to decide on a topic. Students need to know exactly what they want to write about before they can build an argument and research key details. To begin with finding a topic, the student should sit down with a pencil and a piece of paper. After setting a timer for ten minutes, the student should begin writing down any ideas that pop into their head. Once the ten minutes are finished, the student can go through these ideas to pick the best one.

    After choosing a topic, the student will need to flesh out their information. A narrative essay requires details and a logical structure. Students may want to brainstorm the different story details that they plan on using. By doing this, the student makes the process of outlining and writing the paper much easier.

  • Read Through the Writing Prompt
  • For any assignment, students should read through the writing prompt before they begin. They should make sure that their topic follows the prompt's guidelines. As the student writes, they should regularly refer back to the writing prompt to make sure that they are still on track. If the paper does not match the requirements of the writing prompt, the student's assignment may be graded poorly or even rejected. As a last precaution, students must read through the prompt before they turn their assignment in.

  • Start With Topic Sentences
  • The order and flow of the writing must be smooth for the story to be understandable. Students should start by picking the topic sentences for each paragraph. This will help the student to see the flow of their paper. If there are not enough paragraphs or topic sentences, the student can add new ones. Some students like to do this step using sticky notes because it allows them to move around paragraphs easily. Once they find the right order, the sticky notes can be typed up in a normal Word document.

  • Fleshing Out Details
  • When the order of the persuasive essay is perfect, it is time for the student to flesh out the details. Since this is just an outline, the student only needs to jot down two or three ideas in each paragraph. This will help to guide the student's writing and prevent writer's block later on.

Simple But Efficient

tricks from our experts

Be Creative

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Learn Structure

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Use Help

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Still not sure how to compose a properly structured essay? The following are a few suggestions that will help you get an understanding of how to finish this task successfully.
